Il maestro Nello Santi
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IAT LANGHIRANO 0521-355009
Ticket Office at the CASTLE 0521-355255
Nello Santi, one of the most important directors of orchestra alive today. A Venetian who speaks about the love of opera and of the grand music.
“I am not the depositary of the tradition. The heart of opera is called style and is unchangeable.”
And, with these assumptions, he directed Renata Tebaldi at the Metropolitan of New York, both in Tosca and in Othello.
The orchestra and choir of the National Opera of Paris interpret “Va Pensiero” from Nabucco by Giusseppe Verdi, Director Nello Santi.
After terminating his studies in composition at Padua, he began a career as director in 1951, directing “Rigoletto” at the Verdi Theatre at Padua.
During his lengthy career he has directed the most important theatres of the world; in Europe and the United States he is considered to have profound knowledge of and to be a refined interpreter of the Italian repertoire of opera. From 1958 to 1969 he was artistic director at the opera of Zurich. In 1960 at Covent Garden, at Salzburg (”Don Carlos”), and from 1962 to 1964, at the Metropolitan of New York.
In 1960 he was Guest Director at the Opera of Vienna, in 1966 at the Opera of Hamburg, in 1969 at the Opera of Munich, of Cologne, Paris…
In 1997 he celebrated the thirty-fifth anniversary of his career at the Metropolitan at New York.
He directed the Requiem of Verdi in the presence of Pope John Paul II during the fiftieth anniversary of the nuclear bombing of Hiroshima.